Shortcodes: Charts

The Google Charts API is the easiest way to create dynamic charts online and our Shortcodes for Charts are based on Google Chart API.

Chart type: 3D round pie

The most popularity internet browser

[chart width="575" height="250" type="3dpie" title="The most popularity internet browser" data="40,25,5,25,5" legend="40|25|5|25|5" label="Internet Explorer|Firefox|Safari|Chrome|Others" colors="FF9900|E40B0B|1B9A1B|3399CC|BBCCED"]

Chart type: 2D round pie

The most popularity internet browser

[chart width="575" height="250" type="pie" title="The most popularity internet browser" data="40,25,5,25,5" legend="40|25|5|25|5" label="Internet Explorer|Firefox|Safari|Chrome|Others" colors="FF9900|E40B0B|1B9A1B|3399CC|BBCCED"]

Chart type: Line Chart

Monthly sales growth

[chart width="575" height="250" type="line" title="Monthly sales growth" data="40,25,5,25,5" legend="40|25|5|25|5" label="Mar.|Apr.|May|Jun.|Jul." colors="FF9900"]

Chart type: Bar Chart

Monthly sales growth

[chart width="575" height="250" type="bar" title="Monthly sales growth" data="30|50|40|50|60|55" legend="Jan.|Feb.|Mar.|Apr.|May|Jun." colors="FF9900|E40B0B|3399CC"]